Let’s build Redux in 5 minutes

Shakil Ahmed
2 min readAug 31, 2018

We will be going through this article with the assumption that you already know how to use Redux. If you don’t, go ahead and learn to use it first. We have to know what Redux does to better understand how it does that.

Let’s first create our reducer function.

Then we are going to create the createStore function which takes the reducer function as an argument and returns three methods. Namely, getState , dispatch , andsubscribe. We will also have the unsubscribe feature which is a function returned by the subscribe method.

Now when you call store = createStore(reducer), all the methods will be available as store.getState(), store.dispatch() etc. They don’t do anything for now, but that’s a step forward. Let’s move on.

We are going to get the methods working one-by-one now. First beginning with the getState method.

The state variable points to the state of our application. getState method just returns that variable. Pretty anti-climatic, huh? Invoking the getState method will return undefinednow. Because the state variable’s value has not been set yet. Only the dispatch method will set values to the state variable. Next, we are going to write the dispatch method.

The dispatch method takes an action object as the parameters. It then calls the reducer function with the current state and action arguments.

Earlier, we provided the reducer function as an argument to the createStore function to create the store. reducer function is still available there to use because of JavaScript closure.

We then set the reducer function’s return value as the new state of our store. Now, if you call dispatch and then getState you will get the correct state of the store. Next, we are going to implement the subscribe method.

The subscribe method takes a function as an argument and runs that function every time the state is changed via dispatch .

It’s the Observer Pattern in action. All the functions we pass to the subscribe method are stored in an array. Each time the dispatch method is called, we loop through all the functions stored in that array, in our case the subscribers array, and invoke all of them.

Now only the unsubscribe part left. The unsubscribe feature is returned as a function when we call the subscribe method. Invoking this function will remove that particular subscriber from the subscribers array. Let’s knock that off!

And that’s our Redux! Obviously it does not have all the bells and whistles the original Redux provides. We also did not include any error checking or whatsoever. But it’s a good starting point to understand how Redux works under the hood. I highly encourage you to read through the source code of Redux as the next step https://github.com/reduxjs/redux/

